Soil Moist jars

Water Management Products

Refer to individual product specification sheets for detailed applications and rates. Download as PDF

Soil Moist Polymers
Product Formulation Application Benefits
Granules 1000-2000 microns 2000-4000 microns Crosslinked poiyacrylamide potassium based Landscaping/ Greenhouse/ Nursery Reduces plant waterings and transplanting shock. Increases plant establishment.
Soil Moist Hydro 100-700 microns Crosslinked polyacrylamidepotassium based Hydroseeding/ Bare-root packing medium Increases turf establishment with less waterings. Reduces shipping cost and plant loss.
Soil Moist Fines 50-500 microns Crosslinked polyacrylamidepotassium based Bare-root dip/ Packing medium Reduces transplant shock. Increases establishment. Reduces shipping cost and plant loss.
Soil Moist Seed Coat Crosslinked polyacrylamide with graphite compounds Seed coating/ Drop & spread seeding Increases seed germination.
Soil Moist Spikes Crosslinked polyacrylamide with and without 3-4 month timed release fertilizer Interiorscaping/ Container plants Reduces plant waterings. Increases plant establishment.
Soil Moist Disks 1" & 2" Diameter Crosslinked polyacrylamide with an 8-9 month timed release 10-1 0-1 0 fertilizer Landscaping/Nursery Reduces plant waterings. Increases plant establishment.
Soil Moist Plus Crosslinked polyacrylamide with an 8-9 month timed release 7-7-7 fertilizer Landscaping/ Nursery Reduces plant waterings. Increases plant establishment.
Soil Moist Mats Crosslinked polyacrylamide potassium based crystals woven into a degradable cloth material Landscaping/ Greenhouse/ Nursery Reduces plant waterings and transplanting shock. Increases plant establishment. Easy to apply
Soil Moist Paks Crosslinked poiyacrylamide potassium based crystals in a degradable pre-measured pouch/tea bag Landscaping/ Greenhouse/ Nursery Reduces plant waterings and transplanting shock. Increases plant establishment. Pre-measured pouch - easy to apply.
Soil Moist Paks Plus Crosslinked poiyacrylamide potassium based crystals in a degradable pre-measured pouch/tea bag and a 8-9 month, 9-3-6 timed released fertilizer Landscaping/ Greenhouse/ Nursery Reduces plant waterings and transplanting shock. Increases plant establishment Add nutrients for an extended period of time. Pre-measured, easy to apply.
Mycorrhizal Inoculants
Product Formulation Application Benefits
Transplant Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria and polymer Landscaping/ Nursery Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Transplant Paks Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria Landscaping/ Nursery Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Transplant 3-3-3 Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria with 8-9 month timed released fertilizer Landscaping/ Nursery Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Flower Bed Endomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria and polymer Landscaping Nursery Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Flower and Garden Plus Endomycorrhizalfungi plus beneficial bacteria and polymer Landscaping Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Injectable Micronized Endo/ Ectomycorrhizal fungi with beneficial bacteria Landscaping for existing plants and trees Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Root Dip Ecto/Endo Ecto only Endo/EctomycorrhizalFungi with beneficial bacteria and polymer bare root dip Landscaping/Nursery Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Vertimulch Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria and polymer Landscaping as a vertimulch Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Plant Tabs Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria Landscaping/ Nursery Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Ecto Tabs Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria Landscaping/ Nursery Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer.
Erosion Polymers
Product Formulation Application Benefits
Fl-1000 Anionic linear polymer Agriculture/ Landscape Reduce soil loss.
Fl-2000 Anionic linear emulsion polymer Agriculture Reduce soil loss.
Fl-3500 Anionic linear polymer-tablet Agriculture/ Landscape Reduce soil loss storm water runoff.
FI-2050L Anionic linear emulsion polymer Agriculture/ Landscape Reduce soil loss storm water runoff mulch tacking agent,